

Good things happen when we get together

Extend the engagement and commercial potential of your content with a 365 environment for articles, videos, networking and spin-off events


All year round and always on

A single space to engage your community with all your live and on demand content

The engagement hub that brings all your hard work together

Move away from fragmented channels with a powerful lense to view all your content

  • Content
    • Thought leadership articles
    • Video and pdf upload
    • Public pages
    • Search-engine friendly landing pages
    • Searchable library
    • On-page build or pdf upload
    • Comments (moderated or unmoderated)
    • Searchable content tags
    • Social sharing
  • Engagement
    • Micro-events
    • Conversation threads
    • Social sharing
    • 365 networking rooms
    • Meetings / chat / video calls
    • Promote your own or third-party events
    • Internal events (town halls, 1:1s, standups)
    • Searchable event tags
  • Commercial
    • Sponsorship
    • Advert space
    • Tiered partnership directory
    • Add partner contacts
    • Public or private directory listing
    • Demo rooms
    • Guestbook (drop your business card)
    • Promotional space
    • Live chat
  • Membership
    • Tiered access levels: granular content permissions
    • Email sign up
    • Public visibility
    • Newsletter
    • Promote content with automated email campaigns

Insights through data

Understand your community behaviour and monitor hot topics. Track all your user data in real time and pull customised reporting for your sponsors and exhibitors.

Member data

  • Email sign ups
  • Full micro-event data
  • Social shares
  • Content views and downloaded materials
  • Meeting requests
  • Number of 1:1 chats
  • Directory engagement
  • Conversation thread engagement

Sponsor/exhibitor data

  • Sponsor micro-event activity
  • Content views, shares, likes
  • Booth activity
  • Downloads
  • Guestbook contacts
  • Ad clicks

Get in touch

Our team of specialists are ready to help you shape your perfect engagement ecosystem.

020 7700 3632
8 Hornsey Street
N7 8EG

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